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Blog Post 3 Marble Masters

Sprint 6:      For this sprint my tasks were simple, but then turned complicated. First, one of my tasks was to create another level for the game that would include most of the game mechanics that have already been introduced. while doing that task i have received word that the adv bumper level that was created needed some edits and a redesign due to it being difficult. After those tasks were done, I was to work on the game textures for this game. At this task is where I received some trouble and I had proposed some ideas for textures. The theme of the textures was to be retro arcade or sci-fi. Finally, the last task that came up, which was sudden, was to create a poster and a poster and featured graphic and since I was told and saw a due date that this was supposed to be done a day before and this is the design I came up with.     Problems that occurred during this sprint was that there was a lot of problems on the textures for thi...

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Blog Post 2 Marble Masters

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